4 All-Time Favorite Board Games

While growing up all we used to do was eat, sleep, play, & repeat and sometimes study too, but mostly just for our parents. Though we all loved our superhero comics and all, but playing fun board games with our friends was always on the top of our to-do list the entire time.

In today’s time gadgets and hi-tech gaming devices have replaced these simple joys. But don’t just reminisce because we are taking you on this little time machine to relive those good old glorious days.


This game is one of the most favourite games of all times. I can still recall the enthusiasm flowing in the room one second and total silence the next. Played on the lines of Housie or Bingo, it is apt for a fun games night or for an eventful sleepover.


Some of the great minds leading the world were discovered because of the practice they had while playing this game. Just Kidding!! Though this may not be true, but this game really brings out the traits of a real businessman in everybody who plays. True Story!!


And the Word master prevails!! This is for all those vocab kings and queens because of whom people like me used to score single points whereas they used to score double or triple points. Go on and brag about your vocabulary or play just for fun.


And at last is one such game which was not only loved but certainly the most played game as well, in the history of board games. The snake bite at number ninety-nine in snakes & ladder or that last one or six needed to win the game, we all had lived it and ached because of it. The pleasure of climbing the highest ladder or your opponent landing on the snake can still be felt.

As much as we all love our smartphones and PlayStations, these simple pleasure of our childhood will always remain dear to us. These are the memories tucked away in our past which when opened, leave a very bittersweet feeling at the end. Thanks to this I got to relive mine… what about you??


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