4 Maggi Recipes

We have handpicked the easiest variations with your everyday Maggi. It’s the same thing, but now with different flavours. Prerequisite for each recipe is to cook the way you would usually do but with a slight variation. Don’t worry, these too are instant recipes.


  1. Open Maggi Sandwich

Cook Maggi like you would cook on every other day. And with it toast bread with butter. Once the Maggie is cooked, let it cool down a bit and then spread it on the buttered bread.

  1. Fried Maggi Pakodas

Cook your usual Maggi (the drier the better) and keep it aside to cool down. Now in a pan, heat some oil on low flame. Once the oil is ready, take small pieces of Maggi in the shape of a ball and fry all of it. Eat with ketchup.

  1. Butter Maggi Masala

When you feel your Maggi is almost ready, add a tbsp. of butter and Maggi Magic Masala. This will make it taste way better if what you’re looking for is masala-e-makhan.


  1. Chicken/ Paneer Maggi

Add yesterday’s pieces of chicken/ paneer with little to no gravy in your Maggi while cooking.

If you want, you can also pour the sabzi (paneer/ chicken gravy) directly on the already cooked Maggi. Both these options taste just as good.


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